Business Card Ad in Conference Brochure
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Terms & Conditions
Please submit ad information to ghanaphysiciansusa@gmail.com; please include the following:
Company Name, Contact Name, Address, Email, Phone, Supporter Package(s)
Complimentary Full Conference Registration: Full Conference Registration includes breakfast and lunches, participation at all conference sessions, and up to two tickets to the Dinner Dance. This excludes ad placement only supporters.
Conference Program Book: All supporter packages include supporter recognition in the conference program booklet. The program book will include a detailed agenda, information about presenters, supporters, and exhibitors.
Exhibition Space: Each exhibitor will be supplied with one table (covered) and two chairs. Please advise us if power is required at your area. There will be sufficient floor space for one pull-up banner for each exhibitor. Location of specific display location will not be allocated prior to arrival.
Cancellation Policy:
Once a booking form has been received for Supporter or Exhibition Opportunities, any cancellation must be advised in writing. If the cancellation is received 2 weeks prior to the conference start date, an administration fee of 25% of the total price is retained. If the cancellation is received one week prior to the conference start date no refund is applicable. These cancellation terms apply whether or not payment has been received at the time of cancellation.
Parties Responsibilities:
The Conference hosts and organizer will take all diligent care to fulfill its commitments. The Supporters are responsible for providing all promotional material and to make full payment.
Deadline-April 13, 2018